Thursday, December 29, 2011

BellaPelle Beauties Define Beauty

What is beauty? It's certainly in the eye of the beholder, right?
"To me, fair friend, you never can be old. For as you were when first your eye I eyed. Such seems your beauty still."
William Shakespeare

The staff at BellaPelle was a asked, "How do you define beauty? What's beautiful to you?"

Shelley, CEO and Founder of BellaPelle, said, “Inside beauty is the most important to me. Kindness and humility give an inner glow.”

Dulcinea, a waxing specialist at BellaPelle, thinks that beauty is embodied in a great laugh and a confident smile.

Keri, a former skin specialist at BellaPelle who was in town working at the studio for a few days before the holidays, said, "I am most drawn to people who have an inner beauty, if they don't have that, I seldom notice their physical beauty."

Beth, a BellaPelle skin specialist, said, "Beautiful to me is in a person's actions and how they relate to others."

Maddie, the studio manager at BellaPelle Skin Studio, said, "Being confident in yourself—inside and out."

Victoria, a studio coordinator at BellaPelle, seems to have a similar feeling as Maddie when it comes to what is beautiful: "Beauty is all about confidence! It comes from the inside out."

Comment and share what you think is beautiful!


  1. I think beauty can be found in everything--it's all a matter of how you look at it.

  2. Symmetry is part of physical beauty that is hard wired into our brains, but beauty for me, is the energy we radiate. People who hum with this energy always draw you in and you want to be around them.
    Connecting with the Divine, you know it when you fee and see it.

  3. This is a great question, inner confidence and self-love are key components of beauty!

    Of course their are some physical characteristics that we like to see externally....
